Thursday, April 16, 2009

The experience context

When we first thought about going through with this project on Viral Marketing, we were considering the regular, old-fashioned report format: 4 pages, single space, Times New Roman, Size 12, and so on; you know the drill.
Then it came to us: why not actually learn something out of this, and take a hands-on approach? This blog is our attempt to, within a tight time-frame and an inexistent budget, generating awareness to our project, and fostering some discussion over this topic. However, there is still an academic perspective on this that should be kept in mind, so we'll do our best in combining and consolidating both the presentation of real business cases and our findings resulting from the experience. So, partly this will be an assignment on the assignment itself.

The "report blog" will follow this structure:

1. Introduction - you're reading it!
2. Case presentations - real-life examples of viral campaigns;
3. The Viral Marketing Experience - the way we did things around here: tools & channels used; feedback received; random observations & insights;
4. Facts & Figures - overview of the blog's stats and overall activity in on-line groups (Linkedin; StarTracker; Facebook; Twitter; etc.)
5. Wrap-up.

And that's it! Now make us all a favour and keep tuned.

Your MBA Group.

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